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Special Offer on Nicklin Revisited range

Special Offer on Nicklin Revisited range
To celebrate Birmingham Heritage Week (12th-22nd September 2019), we are offering 30% off our Nicklin Revisited range of signed limited editions.

Phyllis Nicklin was an amateur photographer who captured the changing face of Birmingham during the 1950s and 60s in thousands of snapshots.  We commissioned artists to re-interpret some of Nicklin's photos, in collaboration with Brumpic and the University of Birmingham.  Many of these superb paintings are now available as signed limited editions.

Just visit COLMORE EDITIONS and browse the Nicklin range by Reuben Colley, Danny Howes and Horace Panter.

When ordering, quote HERITAGE30 at the checkout.

If you have an enquiry, or want to be added to the mailing list please complete the form below.


High quality limited editions by artists represented by Forward Gallery are available here.
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