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Reuben Colley edition launched to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital

Reuben Colley edition launched to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital
Reuben Colley's magnificent oil painting 'Xt' was released on 20th July as a signed limited edition of 50 copies, with 25% of all sales going to Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity.

This edition has been published as part of the charity public art trail 'The Big Sleuth'.  Reuben Colley painted 'Xt' on to a giant bear, which is now on dislay in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.  At an exciting event at Reuben Colley Fine Art on 20th July, the original painting, the bear and the signed limited edition appeared together for the one and only time.

Click HERE to read more about Reuben Colley's participation in The Big Sleuth.

Order your copy of 'Xt' from Colmore Editions or call in at the gallery.

Follow Reuben Colley's bear @xtbear2017

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