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RCFA acquires rare painting by Reuben Colley from 2002

RCFA acquires rare painting by Reuben Colley from 2002
This spectacular painting,created in 2002 by Reuben Colley, has recently been acquired by Reuben Colley Fine Art.  It captures New Street Station before it was transformed by the recent redevelopment.  Today, if we were to stand where Reuben Colley stood, we would see the impressive Grand Central shopping centre.  This painting documents an aspect of Birmingham that has now disappeared for ever.

'New Street Station 2002' was painted at the beginning of Reuben Colley's career as a professional painter, at a time when he was gaining recognition as one of the most successful artsts living and working in the Midlands.  Paintings from this stage in Reuben Colley's career rarely become available.


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