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Reuben Colley's John Lewis Birmingham Portfolio launched

Reuben Colley's John Lewis Birmingham Portfolio launched
In response to a commission from the John Lewis Partnership, Reuben Colley has created five stunning paintings of Birmingham city centre.  

The original paintings are now on display in ‘The Place to Eat’, the restaurant of the new landmark John Lewis store, which opens on 24 September in Birmingham’s new Grand Central shopping centre.  
Reuben Colley’s paintings have now entered John Lewis’s art collection alongside Barbara Hepworth and other internationally renowned artists. 
In his paintings for John Lewis, Reuben Colley has chosen aspects of Birmingham which are often taken for granted:  busy shopping streets on a rainy day, the historic canal network, and the city skyline at dusk.  Rich in atmosphere, these paintings celebrate the meeting of old and new in Birmingham’s ever-changing city centre.
The John Lewis Birmingham Portfolio has been issued as a numbered set of signed limited editions.  Each set of five paper copies is presented in a custom-made portfolio box.  The limited editions are on display at RCFA from 24 September 2015.

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