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Reuben Colley Original to be auctioned for Help for Heroes

Reuben Colley Original to be auctioned for Help for Heroes
Earlier this year we were asked if we could donate a piece of art for this years Birmingham HELP for Heroes ball that is to be held on Saturday 6th November 2011.
Reuben Colley decided that he wanted to give an original oil painting, and has created a piece specifically for the charity auction. It depicts the Hall of Memory in Centenary Square, Birmingham.
“Birmingham's Hall of Memory was erected to commemorate the Birmingham citizens who died in the First World War and stands very elegantly in Centenary Square as a permanent reminder of the consequences of war. I have painted it in this warm light to represent a sense of optimism for the future, maybe rather idealistically, that we wouldn't have to commemorate more of our heroes in the future.”  Reuben Colley. Oct 2010.
I have attached an image of the painting, which comes in a hand waxed and gold leafed frame created by the artist. The dimensions are 107 x 68 cm (121 x 84 cm including frame).
‘The Hall of Memory’ original oil painting is on display in the gallery until Friday evening (5th November).
If you would like to make a sealed bid on this painting please let me know and I will send you the official HELP for HEROES auction form to complete. This will need to be completed and returned in a sealed envelope to the gallery by Friday 5th November.

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